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    Complete Guide to IRC Server Commands

    Helen Hawk
    Helen Hawk

    Posts : 123
    Join date : 2013-11-10

    Complete Guide to IRC Server Commands Empty Complete Guide to IRC Server Commands

    Post by Helen Hawk Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:01 pm

    ChanServ gives normal users the ability to maintain control of a channel, without the need of a bot. Channel takeovers are virtually impossible when a channel is registered with ChanServ.

    Registration is a quick and painless process. Once registered, the founder can maintain complete and total control over the channel.
    Please note that channels will expire after 30 days of inactivity, or if there are no eligible channel successors.

    Activity is defined as a user with one of +FHORafhoqrsv being on the .
    Successors are primarily those who have the +R flag set on their account in the channel, although other people may be chosen depending on their access level and activity.

    The following commands are available:
    ACCESS Manage channel access.
    AKICK Manipulates a channel's AKICK list.
    AOP Manipulates a channel AOP list.
    BAN Sets a ban on a channel.
    CLEAR Channel removal toolkit.
    COUNT Shows number of entries in access lists.
    DEOP Removes channel ops from a user.
    DEOWNER Removes the channel owner flag from a user.
    DEPROTECT Removes the channel protection flag from a user.
    DEVOICE Removes channel voice from a user.
    DROP Drops a channel registration.
    FLAGS Manipulates specific permissions on a channel.
    FORCEXOP Forces access levels to xOP levels.
    GETKEY Returns the key (+k) of a channel.
    HELP Displays contextual help information.
    HOP Manipulates a channel HOP list.
    INFO Displays information on registrations.
    INVITE Invites you to a channel.
    KICK Removes a user from a channel.
    KICKBAN Removes and bans a user from a channel.
    OP Gives channel ops to a user.
    OWNER Gives the channel owner flag to a user.
    PROTECT Gives the channel protection flag to a user.
    RECOVER Regain control of your channel.
    REGISTER Registers a channel.
    ROLE Manage channel roles.
    SET Sets various control flags.
    SOP Manipulates a channel SOP list.
    STATUS Displays your status in services.
    TAXONOMY Displays a channel's metadata.
    TEMPLATE Manipulates predefined sets of flags.
    TOPIC Sets a topic on a channel.
    TOPICAPPEND Appends a topic on a channel.
    TOPICPREPEND Prepends a topic on a channel.
    UNBAN Removes a ban on a channel.
    VOICE Gives channel voice to a user.
    VOP Manipulates a channel VOP list.
    WHY Explains channel access logic.

    Last edited by Helen Hawk on Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:26 am; edited 1 time in total
    Helen Hawk
    Helen Hawk

    Posts : 123
    Join date : 2013-11-10

    Complete Guide to IRC Server Commands Empty Re: Complete Guide to IRC Server Commands

    Post by Helen Hawk Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:15 pm

    SET allows you to set various control flags for channels that change the way certain operations are performed on them.

    The following subcommands are available:
    EMAIL Sets the channel e-mail address.
    ENTRYMSG Sets the channel's entry message.
    FOUNDER Transfers foundership of a channel.
    KEEPTOPIC Enables topic retention.
    MLOCK Sets channel mode lock.
    PRIVATE Hides information about a channel.
    PROPERTY Manipulates channel metadata.
    RESTRICTED Restricts access to the channel to users on the access list. users are kickbanned.)
    SECURE Prevents unauthorized users from gaining operator status.
    TOPICLOCK Restricts who can change the topic.
    URL Sets the channel URL.
    VERBOSE Notifies channel about access list modifications.


    SET EMAIL allows you to change or set the email address associated with a channel. This is shown to all users in INFO.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> EMAIL [email]

    Using the command in this way results in an email address being associated with the channel.

    /msg ChanServ SET #chat EMAIL [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    SET ENTRYMSG allows you to change or set a message sent to all users joining the channel.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> ENTRYMSG [message]

    /msg ChanServ SET #support ENTRYMSG Welcome to #support. Please do not lines.

    SET FOUNDER allows you to set a new founder of the channel. The new founder has to execute the same command to confirm the transfer.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> FOUNDER <newnick>

    If the new founder has not yet confirmed the transfer, you can cancel it by specifying your own nick as the new founder.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> FOUNDER <yournick>

    /msg ChanServ SET #foo FOUNDER bar

    SET KEEPTOPIC enables restoration of the old topic after the channel has become empty. In some cases, it may revert topic changes after netsplits or services outages, so it is not recommended to turn this on if your channel tends to never empty.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> KEEPTOPIC ON|OFF

    /msg ChanServ SET #foo KEEPTOPIC ON

    MLOCK (or "mode lock") allows you to enforce a set of modes on a channel. This can prevent abuse in cases such as +kl. It can also make it harder to fight evil bots, be careful. Locked modes can be seen by anyone recreating the channel (this includes keys).

    Syntax: SET <#channel> MLOCK [modes]

    Examples: (some may use modes your ircd does not support)
    /msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +nt-lk
    /msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +inst-kl
    /msg ChanServ SET #c MLOCK +ntk c
    /msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +ntcjf-kl 2:30 #overflow
    /msg ChanServ SET #overflow MLOCK +mntF-kljf
    /msg ChanServ SET #foo1 MLOCK +ntlL 40 #foo2

    SET PRIVATE hides various information about the channel from other users.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> PRIVATE ON|OFF

    /msg ChanServ SET #foo PRIVATE ON

    SET PROPERTY manipulates metadata associated with a channel.

    To delete a metadata entry, specify the name and leave the value blank.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> PROPERTY <name> [value]

    /msg ChanServ SET #atheme PROPERTY URL [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    /msg ChanServ SET #meat PROPERTY VEGETABLES

    SET RESTRICTED designates a channel as restricted access.
    Users who are not on the access list of the channel, or who do not have the chan:joinstaffonly privilege will be kicked and banned from the channel upon join, removing any ban exceptions matching them first. If the channel is set +i, no ban will be set and invite exceptions will be removed.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> RESTRICTED ON|OFF

    /msg ChanServ SET #snoop RESTRICTED ON

    SET SECURE prevents anyone that's not on the channel's access lists from gaining operator or halfop status on the channel. This is useful if you're paranoid.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> SECURE ON|OFF

    /msg ChanServ SET #foo SECURE ON

    SET TOPICLOCK causes ChanServ to revert topic changes by users without the +t flag.
    Topic changes during netsplits or services outages will always be reverted.

    TOPICLOCK requires KEEPTOPIC and will automatically enable it; disabling KEEPTOPIC will disable TOPICLOCK also.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> TOPICLOCK ON|OFF

    /msg ChanServ SET #foo TOPICLOCK ON

    SET URL allows you to change or set the URL associated with a channel. This is shown to all users joining the channel.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> URL [url]

    /msg ChanServ SET #chat URL [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    SET VERBOSE ON sends a notice to the channel when someone makes changes to the access lists.

    SET VERBOSE OPS sends a notice to the channel operators when someone makes changes to the access lists.

    Fantasy commands are always executed as if SET VERBOSE ON is in effect.

    Syntax: SET <#channel> VERBOSE ON|OPS|OFF

    /msg ChanServ SET #foo VERBOSE ON

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